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Monday, July 11, 2005

Dear Mr. Stroustrup

The following is an e-mail I will send to Bjarne Stroustrup, in regards to his recent Design of C++0x article. I've posted it here so that it may be critiqued before I send it in.

Hello. My name is Justin Olbrantz, and I have been using C++ as my primary programming language for more than 5 years, now. As it just so happens, I've recently been working on writing a lightweight (as close as possible to 0-overhead), platform-independent class library of fiercely platform-dependant features (atomic functions, endian conversion functions, threads and thread synchronization, files, sockets, etc.) for public and my own use, making your paper on the Design of C++0x (and the declaration that you are accepting suggestions) extremely timely, as I've been putting a significant amount of thought into the matter. My requests are actually pretty minor, as I believe most of the stuff my library does would be best left up to third-party developers such as myself; however, there are a few things that I would really like to see either in the language or in the standard libraries.

First of all are fixed-size data types: that is, things like int16, int32, int64, etc. While it is possible to write portable code using the regular C/C++ data types, it's crippling to not be sure of what size a variable will be on a given machine, and overly cumbersome to write code that will always work properly with different data type sizes (particularly when you have to interface with the OS, which expects things to be certain sizes). While this could be implemented in the standard library (much like my library does), regardless of where it is implemented, I believe that it is necessary to preserve the existing signed/unsigned syntax for these types (i.e. being able to do 'unsigned int32' or 'signed int64').

In addition, a 'word' data type would be useful, which is the effective word size of the target processor (i.e. 32 bits on x86-32 or PPC32, 64 bits on Itanium, PPC64, etc.), as well as a pointer-sized integer type, which also follows the signed/unsigned semantics. In each case it is not necessary that the features be implemented in the language itself (the standard library would suffice), but they should, for ease of use, support the signed/unsigned syntax of normal types.

Atomic functions. I saw that you're already aware of the need for such functions, but I'll list them again so that I can give my rationale for designing them. Building support for atomic data types into the language itself would be ideal, due to the typical read w/reserve-compute-conditional write pattern used on non-x86 systems. However, I should think that writing an optimizing compiler which is able to take advantage of this pattern would be rather difficult (although compiler design is not my specialty). If that isn't feasible, I see no reason to not simply provide standard library functions such as atomic_add, atomic_exchange, atomic_compare_exchange, etc. While I suppose that programmers who simply want things to work without knowing the details might appreciate an atomic variable template class, I personally would not be likely to use such a thing, as in many cases it would be slower than simple primitive functions (and without the individual primitive functions an atomic data type template would be of limited use).

Byte order support, including conversion functions and macros to determine target machine byte order. In my library I chose to create 4 inline template functions: ltoh (little endian to host), btoh (big endian to host), htol (host to little endian), and htob (host to big endian) (all of these take value parameters and return values). I chose to implement these as template functions for two reasons. Creating a set of functions with distinct names (such as the network conversion functions) seemed far too cumbersome to use, particularly in macros or template classes. As well, I chose not to use simple function overloading with these 4 functions because that would prevent the programmer from explicitly specifying the type the compiler should treat the data as (as well as creating the possibility of incorrect guesses as to the intended data type by the compiler).

Vector support. This is something I want to add to my library, but frankly, I'm not yet sure whether I can do it well enough in a library (it may require compiler support). What I'd like to have is a structure that acts like an array for member access, but can be used in vector math functions. The real trick about this (and the major obstacle in my own path) is that the size of this structure would differ not only by target processor, but also by data type. x86 CPUs with SSE2 can pack 4 32-bit numbers into a single vector register, but without SSE2 it can only pack 2, and without MMX only 1 (in this case the 'vector structure' is really just using the integer unit and a normal GPR). Similarly, a processor with SSE (but lacking SSE2) can use 128-bit registers for floating point, and so could compute 4 float (assuming float is 32 bits) values in a single operation, but can only use 64-bit registers for integer operations, and so could only compute 2 int (assuming int is 32 bits) values in a single operation. Such vector support should be totally transparent; that is, once code is written to use it, it should always work, regardless of the features of the processor (i.e. if the code is compiled for SSE2 it will use 128-bit registers, but if it's compiled for a non-MMX x86 it will only use 32-bit GPRs/FPRs). This is what I would consider ideal vector support. Because it's used explicitly, maximum parallelization may be performed, yet because the vectors are of variable size, the presence or absence of vector support in the processor (and the vector capabilities of the processor) is completely transparent to the coder; the same 32-bit math code (assuming the code is fundamentally parallel, and so can be done in a vector structure) will run at 1x speed on a Pentium, and at 4x speed on a Pentium 4.

I believe those are the major things. Some items of lesser importance:
- Typed enums: the ability to specify the data type an enum will occupy. This was previously suggested, I just wanted to register my vote for it.

- A private heap allocator class. That is, support for heaps which are in isolated memory areas. This is useful, for instance, to make allocations/frees very quick by having a given heap only allocate a single type of structure (thus all entries in the heap will be exactly the same size).

- A pool template class. That is, a container which retains and reuses "freed" instances of the contained classes, so that actually allocations and deletions are rare.

- Functions to convert native data types to and from some "standard form", such as IEEE floats, big endian two's complement integers, or whatever (exactly what the standard form is isn't as important as the ability to convert to and from it using universally available functions), for transmission over the internet or disk.

I believe that is everything I wish to submit for your consideration; thank you for your time (and lots of it, given the length of this message...).

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