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Thursday, November 03, 2005


So, today Slashdot (and by association myself) learned about Singularity: Microsoft labs' new playtoy OS. I immediately went and read part of (was already late for class at this time...) the overview paper on the MS labs site.

This thing is pretty sweet. It's like .NET (or Java) applied to an entire computer (OS, drivers, and applications), and then some new ideas. From what I've read, there are two basic ideas that set Singularity apart from any existing production OS. First, the entire system, with the exception of the microkernel, is JITed code. This is a huge benefit because it allows the JITer to verify that the code is safe before it ever gets executed. In a garbage-collected language without pointers, this means no more access violations or buffer overflows, period. It also means the code can't pull exploits like those that can give elevated permissions, or screw up some other thread/process' data.

In fact, because the OS audits all code before it ever gets executed, there's no need for multiple processes at all; indeed, all logical processes in Singularity run in the same virtual address space (commonly known as a 'process' on today's OSs; and in theory you could have everything running in kernel mode and it would still be safe). The fact that code can be guaranteed to be well-behaved on load also removes the need for most (but not all) checks for things like parameter validity, access control, etc., making programs run faster than has ever been possible.

The other major premise of Singularity is strict modularization. All code exists in its own "sandbox". Code is loaded as a unit, either as an application, with multiple code modules, or as a single library. Once a sandbox is created, no new code can be loaded in it.

However, it's possible to call from one sandbox to another. This communication is governed by interface metadata that dictates exactly what is and is not allowed, and is mediated by the JITer. While inter-process communication (IPC) has always been painfully slow in the past, it is not so in this case. Because all code is JITed, the JITer can verify that new code follows the rules, then give it direct access to what it's trying to reach, creating 0-overhead IPC.

Unfortunately, as MS has so much invested in Windows already, it's not actually looking to make this into an actual product. However, I think it's a really promising idea, and hope that somebody at some point will try to make a commercial OS based on this kind of thing.

Oh, and on a completely unrelated note, that overview paper has a benchmark comparing the speed creating processes on various OSs (one of the things I'd been wondering for a while): 5.4 million cycles for XP, compared to Linux's 720k.

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