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Saturday, October 29, 2005

Positional Operations vs. the File Pointer

Traditionally, file I/O was sequential. You read (or wrote) from the beginning of the file to the end. While my history of operating systems isn't sufficient to say that it was the first, Unix was (and still is) particularly fond of this model, because it allows for piping (that is, redirecting the output of one program to the input of another, etc.).

Traditional I/O APIs reflect this behavior, in that they feature a file pointer associated with each file. Reads and writes always begin at the current file pointer, and advance the file pointer on completion (assuming the operation succeeded). If you wanted to do random access on a file (that is, read or write nonsequentially in the file), you had to call a seek function. On Windows, these functions are ReadFile, WriteFile, and SetFilePointer; on Unix, there's read, write, and lseek; and in the C standard library, there's fread, fwrite, and fseek. These functions work perfectly for sequential file access, and work sufficiently for random file access from a single thread (remember that DOS, Win16, and Unix were single-threaded operating systems, although Win16 and Unix could run multiple single thread processes simultaneously).

Then came NT and later editions of Unix (actually, it would hardly surprise me if other OS supported this earlier; I just don't know of them), which introduced multithreaded apps. This introduced the possibility that multiple threads could share access to a single file handle (Unix always allowed multiple programs to share access to files; but in this case each process had its own file handle, with its own file pointer, so this wasn't a problem.

This is a good thing, certainly, but it created problems. Since it was not possible to atomically set the file pointer and perform the file operation (and it would probably even require two trips to kernel mode), the entire procedure was fundamentally thread-unsafe. If two threads tried to perform random file access on the same file at the same time, it would be impossible to tell exactly where each operation would take place.

The simplest solution to this problem would be to protect each file with a mutex. By ensuring mutually exclusive access to the file, you ensure that you will always know exactly where the file pointer is. However, by definition it also causes all threads to wait if more than one thread attempts a file operation at the same time. While this might be acceptable when file I/O occupies a very small portion of the thread's time, this is a distinctly sub-optimal solution.

This is where positional operations come in. Positional operations are read/write functions which explicitly specify where the operation is supposed to occur, and do not alter the file pointer. Windows NT was originally created with this ability (in fact, as previously mentioned, all I/O on NT is internally performed asynchronously, which mandates positional operations) - the very same ReadFile and WriteFile, only used in a different way - but I don't know when exactly the POSIX positional file functions were introduced - pread and pwrite. Windows 9x, again bearing more resemblance to Windows 3.1 than to Windows NT, and again the most primitive of the three, does not support the use of positional operations.

The merit of truly simultaneous operations on the same file may not immediately be obvious. If this is a disk, or some other type of secondary storage, the nature of the device dictates that it can only perform one operation at any point in time; so what benefit is the OS being able to accept multiple operation requests on the same file simultaneously? It is because when the OS supports this in the kernel (as opposed to funneled kernels, or kernels that emulate this with per-file mutexes), neat optimizations can be done. For example, if thread A wants to read 10 bytes from offset 0 in a file, and thread B wants to read 10 bytes from offset 10 in the file, the operations can be combined into one physical disk operation (reading 20 bytes from offset 0), and the OS can then copy the data into the two output buffers.

But even if it isn't the case that the operations can be combined, there are still optimizations that can be done. For example, if thread A wants to read 10 bytes from the file at offset 50, and thread B wants to read 10 bytes from the file at offset 150, does it matter which of these reads gets physically performed first? It does, actually, because the hard drive has a "file pointer" of its own - the head location. If the head location is at offset 0 in the file, it will probably (I say probably because in reality things are a lot more complicated than I've described here; this is just a simple illustration) be faster to perform thread A's read first, then thread B's, because the total distance the head will move in this order is 160 bytes (50 + 10 + 90 + 10); if it did the reads in the opposite order, it would have to move the head forward 160 bytes, then back 110 bytes (150 + 10 - 50), and finally forward 10 bytes, totalling 280 bytes - almost twice as far.

Conclusion: positional file I/O is a Good Thing (tm).


Anonymous said...

Respect ..

Anonymous said...
